Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Blog Name Change

I change the name of this thing more than I actually post in it. Note to self, DO NOT and I repeat DO NOT attempt to blog for a living. Why am I actually attempting to write a blog when I know I suck at it? Honestly don't know, but eh why not haha. No one actually reads this :) but I should write SOMETHING since I don't have normal English classes any more.

2 majors and one minor without losing my mind? CHALLENGE ACCEPTED.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Starting Over!

Originally I had this blog listed as Fox of Doom (or whatever, it's an inside joke and foxes are my favorite animal). And now there's the new one... Awesome right? "It's all good," is kind of my motto. Whether life's freaking awesome or if I'm so stressed out that I'm wondering how I've maintained any sanity whatsoever, it STILL applies.